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Liquid files

When you install LAI Product Reviews, the app will automatically add these below Liquid files to your theme:‌

1. reviews-importer.liquid file is added at the end of product.liquid file‌

2. reviews-importer-popup.liquid file is added at the end of theme.liquid file‌

3. reviews-importer.js file is added to reviews-importer-popup.liquid file‌

4. reviews-importer.css file is added to reviews-importer.liquid file‌

Please note that after you uninstall the app, these Liquid files are not automatically removed, so you need to visit Settings > General > click Remove code.


However, if it is hard for you, you can ask us to remove Liquid codes for you and create a staff account for email with access to Apps and Themes. For how to create a staff account please refer to this post. And please use this email when creating an account: